Plant functional traits course engages in South African RangeX sites

In December 2023, the 7th plant functional traits course (PFTC7) took place in the Drakensberg mountains of South Africa. We were particularly pleased that this led to a collaboration with the RangeX project. During PFTCs, research is usually conducted along an elevational gradient. This time, the highest location at ca. 3000m coincided with the high site of the RangeX field experiment in the southern hemisphere. We were able to collect leaves from the translocated novel lowland species, as well as the native species. The South African botany team resurveyed the native vegetation in the control plots to identify common species for the trait analysis. After a quick take-off by helicopter, all leaves were rapidly channeled through the trait wheel, assessing wet mass, leaf area and leaf thickness.

Thanks to Onalenna, Ralph, Pete, and all participants of PFTC7 for making this research possible.